Pakistan bears the higher illiteracy issues, Balochistan has the lowest average of 33% compared to the national average of 50%. According to the Economic Survey, Pakistan's Literacy rate is only 62.8% (male 73.4 and female 51.9%). The higher Provincial rate of Punjab is 58.4% and Balochistan has a lower literacy rate.
According to the UN population division by 2025 half of the Pak Population will be living in cities. A report Pakistan ranks as the Sixth most dangerous world in cases of women; Sexual assault, child abuse, harassment, and domestic Violence. According to the Solidarity and Peace movement Every year 1000 girls belonging to Christian and Hindu communities are forced into many Muslim men.
On the other hand, there are certainly several issues in a community that is being faced especially by women. Most of the time women are devalued based on lack of education. First, they do not permit to get an education, and when they(women) become illiterate, having no skills, manners, and guts to behave and communicate they (Society/Community) started to force upon women.
Health issues are numerous which are uncountable. Most women die due to poverty and lack of treatment and sometimes women are murdered based on honor killing. While in these cases women have no fault there are several stereotype's nations in which women are indulged. They cannot express their opinion because they have fear after marriage. No doubt women have a right to live a life according to their own choice.
Who we are? Either we exist in the best family or belong to a civilized nation. Such Contrary effects deteriorate us and need to ponder! The word Gender describes the socially constructed roles and responsibilities that lead toward men and women. It means both have equal opportunities and obligations to the survival of life. But in vain, we fell into a dark valley where the shadow of satin and evil forces dragged us behind and far away from reality.
We do not want to realize the fact that it is universal. We learn from the environment, from our family, and from peers to make sense of individual opinions. We just try to believe in the surroundings but reveal the facts and rational analysis. Every man is born free but he claims he is in chains everywhere. Such mentality enforces brutal and violent reactions towards a creator, which suffers in life and She is a woman.
She lives in a patriarchy-based society, where she is inferior and men deem her superior. Is it equality? Is it just? We slander the innocent creature at the rate of our interest. Violence starts from the top and bottom stages because we already fix the hierarchy structure in a matter of violence rather than empowerment.