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Eurocentric World Wars

Europe was the main playground of World War-I but mostly the other world countries became a part of this dog-fight willy-nilly. Those countries were mostly the colonies of the then Modern States. The United States of America entered the war for her own benefits and alliance. Not only armies of already fighting countries were playing havoc but civilians were also pushed into the war under the cover of nationalism and patriotism. History is witness that the civilians had to face more music than trained soldiers because they were given little info plus training of attack and defense.

Resources were used on a large scale as victory was the sole aim of every fighting nation. The more sources were utilized the more harm masses underwent. Scarcity of food was one of the most targeted sections of life. Human capacities like endurance and anger were fully shown in the war era. Soldiers had to live on little they kept with themselves. Genocide, large scale systematic killing of people on the basis of their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, social status or such particulars, was attempted by combating armies of WW-I. It was first done level best between 1915 and 1923. It was the manifestation of a modern state empowered by nationalism. The best-ever instance of genocide is Holocaust. Minorities became more insecure in the umbrella of genocide.

Modern civilization disclosed another feature of annihilation of human species. Atomic bombing over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 is the crystal clear illustration of evil designs of modern state. The war put an end to the nation-state system of nationalism. The sovereignty of nation-states felt jerks and became subordinate to the USSR and USA. It was because the Cold-War between Russia and America classified European, African and Asian countries into two main blocks of East and West. Some countries came under the influence of the USSR and the other of the USA. The subordinate countries had to move forward or step back as they were instructed by their demi-gods.

On one side, World Wars spread utter-destruction on each corner of the fighting arena but the other side was beneficial for Imperialized and colonized countries. Colonial Powers had to pack their show of White Man’s Burden from the wars and shrink to their original boundaries. The ruled countries became independent. The British expelled from India, the French from Indo-China, and the Russian from Central Asian Countries and the Americans from Vietnam besides numerous decolonization processes in Africa. Newly independent countries started sprouting from where they were forced to stop but with a painful past.

These wars were, in complete sense of understanding, a struggle of howling for more and more. Behind all this blood bathing, there was just one plan to rule the planet absolutely and cleared the hurdle at any cost. At the dawn of the century, the world saw 6 contestants for domination on this earth but these wars shrunk them into 2; USA and USSR engulfing a number of countries in their own camp for influence and supremacy.

We don’t know what lies in future for us. 21st century has no clear vision of power dominance in future. It’s not certain what form the brute force will assume. Whether the USA continues to exhibit and strengthen its supremacy or Russian Federation will step forward and revive its influence? Whether China will become the next Super Power besides her economic jinn.

About Sami Ullah Rafiq

Sami Ullah Rafiq

Sami Ullah Rafiq has done Masters in English Literature and doing M.Phil. By profession he is teacher of English language and literature. Sami is a freelance writer and can be reached at [email protected]. He tweets at @SamiUll77300967.