Wednesday, 16 October 2024
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A Woman Is A Woman

He seized my heart with a burning gaze,
Held it close, then left in a daze.
He dreamed of a princess, gentle and meek,
But found a queen who refused to be weak.

He wanted softness, ease of mold,
But found in me a spirit bold.
A woman is a woman, fierce and true,
With strength that no man ever knew.

He feared the iron within my soul,
Too afraid to lose control.
Yet beneath that iron, soft as lace,
Beats a heart still filled with grace.

Not a wounded deer, but a lioness proud,
Roaring louder than any crowd.
A woman is a woman—wild and wise,
With strength that no man can disguise.

He tried to crush what he couldn’t tame,
But a woman’s strength burns like a flame.
A girl may stumble, but a woman stands tall,
Unshaken by shadows, she conquers them all.

He sought a girl by breaking her heart,
But now he'll pay for tearing her apart.
A woman is a woman—she'll rise once more,
And crown the man who knows her core.